
Which kitchen in a wooden house?

When you want to buy a new kitchen, you have hundreds of questions about the aesthetics, the layout, the colour, the number of units, the implementation of the components… The choice is difficult and even more so if you have a particular house, especially a wooden house. In the latter case, there are different models that can preserve the authentic and natural character of your house, by playing with the colour and its variations.

Here is a closer look at the different models and advice on how to equip your wooden house with a kitchen that is pleasant to live in and perfectly suited to its surroundings.

Table vieux bois | Massimo Nice

Vary the types of wood in your kitchen while maintaining an overall consistency with the structure of your home

If your house is mainly composed of wood, your objective will be to find a kitchen with a natural look which, if not entirely made of wood, will keep the charm of the whole and play on the authentic aspect of its components. On the market, the first model that may come to mind is the so-called cottage kitchen, which comes directly from across the Channel. Mixing classic and contemporary styles, the cottage kitchen will bring an extra touch of romance and femininity so appreciated by young couples.

The other style we can think of is the Feng Shui style, which comes directly from China, and which combines different wooden furniture while relying on ultra modern components that simplify our daily life. Preferably, choose the model that is sufficiently clear and focused on wood species to keep the whole coherent. Even if this requires an additional budget, you should not skimp on the quality of the wood and its ability to withstand the vagaries of the kitchen, in order to avoid premature aging. Therefore, make sure that you do not rely on furniture that is too light in colour or, if necessary, treat it with appropriate products so that it can retain its shine over time.

Go for rustic and natural to emphasise your special relationship with the environment

If you have the budget, you can ask for a made-to-measure kitchen and call on an architect to design the space with natural elements that fit perfectly into a wooden house. Depending on the size of the room and the layout of your house, you will have to play with light and openings to achieve a kitchen that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Whether it is wall or base units, you will have to make structural choices for your kitchen.

Finally, don’t forget to study the location of your water, electricity and possibly gas supplies before installing your kitchen. The easier the connections and adaptations are, the cheaper your kitchen will be!