Advice on designing your kitchen

Advice on designing your kitchen

Would you like to change your kitchen and give your home a facelift with functional and aesthetic furniture? Do you want to feel good in your kitchen and turn it into a real living room? Depending on the type of room you have (traditional kitchen or open plan kitchen), the layout is not the same. Here is some advice to help you avoid mistakes and pitfalls and ensure that your investment is optimised and designed to last.

Optimise the surface area of the room with suitable furniture

Cuisine Valcucine Forma Mentis avec porte Angel Skin | Cuisiniste Nice | Massimo Cucine

A tailor-made kitchen can range from a few square metres to a dining room size. The room can be square or long, depending on the date of construction of the building or house. So, before embarking on the selection of furniture and equipment, the first thought should be to find the set that best suits the size of the room and its layout. In the case of a small room, the challenge will be to find the right balance between the number of high and low units while leaving enough useful space available for the family to access the equipment.

If the surface area is large, it is up to you to choose the maximum amount of equipment to make your kitchen a useful room for storing the maximum number of accessories.

Play on the brightness of the room to choose the colours

Cuisine Valcucine Forma Mentis cuisine avec porte coulissante en verre et finition en bois de mélamine | Cuisiniste Nice | Massimo Cucine

Another important factor when choosing a kitchen is to check how much natural light the room has. In the case of large windows, it is important to avoid strong contrasts, bright white or the use of aggressive colours such as red. Otherwise, having red and white furniture can be an effective way to combat the lack of light and give the kitchen a brighter, less monotonous look.

If your room lacks sunlight, don’t hesitate to invest in lighting when you completely renovate your kitchen. It is now easy to install a false ceiling with spotlights that will give more light to the room in a way that is not abrupt for its occupants. Many options are possible here.

Facilitate access to water, gas and electricity in the case of a total kitchen renovation

Cuisine Contemporaneo | Cuisiniste Nice 06 | Massimo Cucine

Another point of particular attention when you wish to fit out your kitchen in a certain way, check what access there is to electricity, town gas (if applicable), to the various ventilation ducts (for the extractor fan) and to water (sink, dishwasher, etc.).

If you want to remodel your kitchen, you can call on the services of an architect who will guide you through the main work, particularly with regard to the servicing of your kitchen. Depending on what you want, costly work may have to be undertaken.