Why call on a kitchen designer for the installation of a made-to-measure kitchen?

Why call on a kitchen designer for the installation of a made-to-measure kitchen?

Redesigning or renovating a kitchen requires equipment and experience that few DIY enthusiasts can hope to achieve. And if it’s a custom-made kitchen, calling in a kitchen designer to carry out the work and prepare for the implementation of the various components of the new kitchen is essential.

Let’s take a closer look at what a kitchen designer can do for you and the difficulties involved in setting up a made-to-measure kitchen.

Trusting a professional with cross-disciplinary skills

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Redoing a custom kitchen means knowing how to remove the tiles and then tiling them, while taking care to level out any unevenness in the floor. It also means having knowledge of masonry (redoing walls, applying plaster, painting, etc.), having a knowledge of electricity (installing a specialised induction oven line, installing electrical sockets or a ceiling light, etc.) and mastering plumbing work (connecting to new equipment, installing copper or flexible pipes, draining waste water, etc.).


The kitchen fitter has the necessary know-how to carry out these various operations in accordance with the rules of the trade and to obtain an impeccable result, without any defects or perceptible faults.

As part of its services, Massimo Cucine, the custom kitchen expert, offers its customers a kitchen fitter who will be responsible for installing the various components as well as the various works required to connect the different parts. With a kitchen designer, nothing is left to chance: the walls are redone before the installation of the elements, the wall units are hung with maximum safety to avoid any element falling off, and all the checks are carried out on the plumbing and gas connections with various measuring devices.

Calling in a kitchen designer will save you a lot of trouble and will allow you to get your custom-made kitchen up and running in a much shorter time.

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Avoiding pitfalls and anticipating difficulties while taking into account existing constraints

Also, making a made-to-measure kitchen requires real experience to avoid complications when assembling and installing the elements. It is not uncommon, for example, to make a mistake in the dimensions for the water or gas connection, to experience difficulties in installing the waste water pipes, or to miss material to complete an operation.

This can lead to frustrations, mistakes, assembly faults and poor workmanship which can cause serious damage over time. With an experienced kitchen fitter, all these possible mistakes can be avoided. Thanks to his experience and the various services already carried out, the kitchen designer will be able to detect errors in the plans in advance and propose realistic workarounds, without calling into question your project and your wishes in the configuration of your customised kitchen.

Matériaux cuisine Feng Shui | Cuisiniste NiceCalling on a kitchen designer gives you peace of mind and the assurance that the work will be well done without any defects, and carried out according to the agreed schedule.