You will love having a large wardrobe in your home

You will love having a large wardrobe in your home

Who doesn’t dream of having a dressing room in their home, to store all their clothes and accessories? With a dressing room, no more clothes lying around, they all finally have a dedicated place. With a wardrobe, it is much easier to find what you want in the morning, when you are in a hurry. The wardrobe is the comfort element of your bedroom.

The advantages of installing a wardrobe

Do you have clothes and accessories that are accumulating? The solution is to create a dressing room. Depending on the volume and space available in your home, installing a dressing room will delight you. Not only will you organise your clothes in the best possible way, but you will also optimise the square metres in a room.

Define your needs for a functional wardrobe

Dressing & Garde-robe Loft | Massimo Nice

Before moving on to the execution phase, define your needs. Do you have shoes lying around, dresses piled up, trousers all wrinkled? By looking at your current outfits and accessories, you can already imagine the structure of an efficient dressing room. We all dream of having every item of clothing in its place. It’s easier to find your way around and save time. Once you have taken stock of the situation, your specifications have been established. It’s time to get down to business and design the dressing room.

Optimising the space according to your needs

The second step is to analyse the technical constraints. Very often, the dressing room fills a part of the space in which you cannot put any furniture. This can be under a staircase, an under-slope, or part of the bedroom. In all cases, optimisation is the key word. You have to consider how much space you can allocate to the design of this large wardrobe. There are several options: an L-shaped, U-shaped or I-shaped wardrobe. Depending on the solution you choose, you will have a tailor-made space for maximum storage.

Dressing & Garde-robe Loft | Massimo Nice

Essential interior fittings

The interior layout will consist of drawers, wardrobes and shelves. These elements can be adjusted to suit your needs. Each person can also have their own space: one part for Mrs., one part for Mr. With accessories, you can make storage easier. For your wardrobe to be pleasant to use, you need to consider efficient lighting. There are several options: LED spotlights, motion-sensitive lighting. This will give your wardrobe an extra edge.

Entrusting the design of your wardrobe

It is perfectly possible to embark on a project to make a dressing room. However, it is advisable to call on a professional. His expertise will save you time and you will avoid unpleasant surprises linked to a problem with materials. A professional will help you with the layout, the choice of materials, and the design of your custom-made dressing room. You will then have a harmonious dressing room, in balance with the rest of the furniture.

What is your budget?

A dressing room has a cost, of course. This is calculated according to the size of the dressing room and the number of cupboards. Calling in a professional is an effective way of keeping this cost under control.

Dressing & Garde-robe Diamond | Massimo Nice